I was in Dallas on business and I stopped at the airport gift store to pick up a few things for the kids.
I'm waiting inline to pay when suddenly this group of teen girls run into the store and ask the enormous guy in front of me for autographs.
He complies and as the girls run out the door, I say "Huh, that's usually happens to me".
It's no secret this big guy was the Hulkster and he turns and gives me a scowl, not feeling my humor.
He does his business and walks out, I do mine and go to my flight's gate and sit down. Who's seated right across from me? Yep, 'ole Hulk Hogan again, seems we're on the same flight.
This time I notice he's wearing the BIGGEST pair of Blue cowboy boots I ever saw.
He takes one look at me, gets up and walks to another aisle of seats in the waiting area.
So, I guess in a way, I chased Hulk Hogan outta my personal space
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