Ed Helms is into bluegrass and I go to the Telluride Bluegrass Festival every year.
A few years ago I was watching Bela Fleck by myself, super stoney, and he was sitting a little bit away, and we caught eyes and I go "hey!" and he said hi back. Fast forward a bit later and it starts down pouring, I run under an awning. He shows up under the same awning and say "thanks for that really great smile earlier!" we chit chat. I don't mention anything about his work, ask him what he does, he says he works in Hollywood. This was summer before hangover came out.
I ran into him the next day and offer him some of my ice cream cone. I make a joke about smelling bad and he jokes back.
The next year I ran into him again at a coffee shop and he remembered me!
Anywho, no one cares, but he was chill.
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