I can't say with 100% confirmation it went down like this, but this is my best retelling of the story:
A good friend of mine was walking his dog out in southern california near a movie set, and unbeknownst to my friend at the time, it was a Nic Cage movie. He traipses around the movie set walking his little dog for a while when he&'s blindsided by Nic Cage himself.. At this time, it's about 9PM and in the pouring rain. Nic stops my friend dead in his tracks and stares at my friend's dog for a good minute before looking up to my friend and saying "How much for the dog?" This is where my friend paused and responded, "Uhm, it's not for sale." And Nic proceeded for 5 minutes, bargaining with my friend, trying to get that dog. No dice. He then vanished into the foggy rain.
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