Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage

7th Jan 1964 (61 years old)

"Well, I know what we're doing tomorrow night!"

I met Nic Cage around 1998 out in some large market around LA (I think it was). Anyway, mom and I spotted him out with his then girlfriend (tall, lanky, blonde, attractive) and chatted for a bit. He asked us not to take pictures as he was out in a very public place and said we were the first to notice him in the few hours he had been there. We got an autograph on our Van Gogh exhibit pamphlet and he asked us about it and his GF piped up saying she really wanted to go. He paused, looked at her, and said, "Well, I know what we're doing tomorrow night!" All in all, he would probably preferred to not have been bothered but he made it a good experience for a young boy and his star struck mom.

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