It happened march 2016. Me and my pregnant girlfriend had our last day in NYC, and had just been to Central Park, heading towards the metro on 116th street.
Suddently we just walked past Bruce and his very young girlfriend. They were waiting for the lights to switch green, so they could cross the street. I got really starstruck, because I always wanted to meet him, so I pulled my girlfriends arm, to make her stop walking, and I told her in a loud whispering ,''Okay, did you just notice who walked past? it's friggin Bruce Willis!''. Then I opened my bag, and Bruce's girlfriend noticed that I was up to something, and she said, ''it ain't gonna happen!'', then I left my camera in the bag and just went to Bruce and wanted to shake hands and tell him I had been a fan since I was about 8-9 years (so in 26 years).
I said ,''Hi Mr. Willis'' and held my arm out for like 7-8 seconds, but he refused to grab my hand for a shake (which was quite embarrasing for me).
He did say ,''How you doin'', with a face that told me, that he hated fans, and then he continued on with his walk when the light switched to green.
“Wow he is arrogant”, was my thought. I do still think it was dissapointing, but still cool walking into him though, but I definitly am not a fan of him anymore. 4 days earlier I rode the metro with Michael Shannon. He looked so scary I did not have the guts to talk to him. Great N.Y. trip. ;)
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