So basically, my father (currently unemployed- not really related) manages hotels. I move around alot and therefore I usually live in the hotel itself, and after years of hard work and experience my dad landed some nice 5 star extreme luxury hotel jobs.
The particular hotel was in tenerife. As I moved at the end of the school year I spent the summer in the pool etc. eventually getting bored as you do, which led me to places such as reddit and 4chan where I learnt of the Emma Watson obsession.
So one day I'm in the buffet at night, before I head to a party, and there I am scooping my spuds and veg, and Emma Fucking Watson walks into the line behind me. Stuck for words I turned around and said "Sorry if this sounds weird, but are you Emma Watson?" She told me she was and that it wasn't weird at all.
Then I said, possibly the worst possible thing one could say. "You look much better than you do on your pictures on the internet, people seem to like you on 4chan" I smiled. She didn't. She knew.
I had no idea what to fucking say, considering I was just standing there with a plate full of food staring at her
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