spoiled little bitch

Not me, but one of my friend's co-workers at Universal met Emma Watson. She wanted to get on the Shrek ride alone, so he asked his manager about it. The manager said no and that she could either sneak in/out when it was dark so people didn't notice her, since running the ride for one person while making the group that waited for 45mins wait again wasn't fair. Apparently Ms. Watson completely lost her shit on the co-worker telling him "a plebeian like you doesn't understand what it's like to be this famous" along with some other insults. He replied with "Look, there's nothing else I can do, either sneak in and out or don't go on...and don't insult me with words from 1504 that you think I don't know." Apparently every other cast member that was there that day (if I remember it was Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton, and the twins) went on that ride without causing a scene.

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