Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon

8th Jul 1958 (66 years old)

I was a dick to Kevin Bacon...

The first time I was a complete dick to him. It was at a little bar in Florida when his band "The Bacon Brothers" were playing. I was drunk, in college, and sitting in the front row. I kept shouting "Play footloose!, Play Footloose!" over and over again. Didn't matter that it wasn't his song, I wanted to hear footloose. Needless to say, I didn't get to meet him, and I didn't get to hear footloose. Fast Forward several years, and I was working Footloose the musical tour. We played thousand Oaks, CA for a week, and guess who stopped by? That's right, Kevin Bacon. I make it through the show, and head back to the LX racks to power down, when Kevin Bacon comes backstage to meet the crew. So, the whole time I'm slinking around back stage, trying not to be seen. He's on stage, shaking hands and talking to people, when he sees me, does a double take, and then points at me and says "YOU!, I know you!, You're a dick!". Needless to say, my entire crew is stunned into awed silence while I apologized all over myself while trying to get out of the building. A bit later on I was standing on the loading dock when Kevin Bacon came outside. He stood next to me and said "Dude, that wasn't cool." I apologized again, In earnest, and he seemed to accept that. When he left he said "by the way, I don't even know the song" To this day I have some insane street cred with that crew.

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