Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon

8th Jul 1958 (66 years old)

Spooky World

I was a sophomore in highschool and my girlfriend and I decided to go to Spooky World. Some of our friends had told us that Kevin Bacon was there, but we didn't believe them. So we're walking by the food vendors when my girlfriend says "OMG, I want some fries!" (It was sophomore year, I'm only assuming this is how she sounded.) A man in hat and sunglasses hears her, walks over to us, and hands her a heaping fry stack. We didn't really know how to react. We kind of just stared. He takes off his glasses and lifts up his hat, and there he is. Kevin Fucking Bacon. He says "Don't worry, my family has plenty", smiles, and walks away. Kevin Bacon is one cool dude.

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