I worked for Will Smith as a chef, he was a real douche!!
At first he acted all nice and sweet but then I noticed he was kind of a jerk. I served meals for the crew, everyone was so nice!! But he and his little brat (Jaden) were all picky.
We had a schedule but they didn't follow it, they just called us two hours later and expected everything was ready in one minute without notice. As chefs we need time for things to get ready and cooked, and we wanted to give them th best service with fresh food and made in the moment.
The kid ordered food that never ate and if he did he woud just talk shit about it; he also treated his mom like shit and kept screaming at her.
On the other hand Jada, the wife, and Willow were really nice. Also M. Night Shyamalan, he hugged me when I told him I was a big fan and invited me to a tequila shot at their movie's preproduction party.
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