Sat and bullshitted with Will Smith at his house for like 4 hours and he made me eat dinner with him and his wife. Nicest guy ever.
My boss once sent me on a job on Cold Water Canyon in Calabassas, he was very secretive and said he couldn't tell me who's house I was going to, but it was someone famous.
When I got there it was a sprawling estate, with guards and all sorts of shit. I told them who I was and I was let into the compound. After being directed to park my bike in the carport next to the Bentleys and BMWs I was ushered inside and told to wait as "Mr. Smith was caught in traffic and would be running a bit late".
Everyone in the house was black...I was at Will Smith's house. I sat for maybe 20 minutes until he arrived. We sat down in his library with my laptop and began making a Visio document for one of his wife's projects. It took quite a while and we were bullshitting and having a good time the whole time. By about 7PM his wife came in the room to check on the progress and tell us that she was hungry and she was going to have their chef make us some dinner.
I politely declined and Will Smith basically made me feel like a retard saying he knew I was hungry and he wasn't going to let me starve while they ate in front of me.
His chef came up and presented me with a few dinner options and I picked the seafood paella. It was fucking delicious. The whole time I was completely awestruck because he is just as cool, funny and casual as he is in his movies.
I just kept expecting an alien or giant robot to burst through the wall and him to start jumping around and shit. He also made his kids come into the room and introduce themselves.
They were very polite.
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