I've met her three times,...

I've met her three times, twice at a ninja gig and once before a show. The first time, she was handing out kimono-type-thingies for people to wear in a photoshoot, and I reached for the last one. She said "Oh, I was going to wear that" but then she saw that I felt bad so she gave it to me anyway (I felt bad because I didn't know she meant to wear one!) After the photoshoot she kissed me on the cheek and thanked me. At the second ninja gig, she signed and took pictures with everyone who wanted one, and I saw her paying such close attention while people were telling her things and really listening. I got a picture with her, but was too shy to really talk to her. When I met her before the show, I just asked for a hug because she was in a hurry heading into the venue, and she gave me a nice long hug and then left her hand on the top of my head for a minute while she talked to someone else. It was cute! I know Amanda has a personality that rubs some people the wrong way, but I've never seen her be unkind.

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