I met Amanda Palmer back in January 2012 when she did a reunion tour with the Dresden Dolls, and she did one of her ninja gigs in a park in my city, after the gig she stayed behind for a good 40 minutes to sign things and take photos.
My friends and I had planned to do a bit of promo for her around the city to get the chance to win a backstage meet and greet before the actual concert -whoever did the most promo would win. When I got up to her I told her that we planned on putting up posters and handing out flyers and she immediately grinned at me and gave me a huge hug, a kiss on the cheek and told us we were all definitely allowed to come backstage before the show. We got things signed and took photos and had a cigarette with her and Brian Viglione (former Dresden Dolls drummer) and she talked to us for ages!
The day of the concert all 4 of us were allowed to go to the soundcheck and come backstage where we hung out with Amanda and Brian and took more photos and they signed more things.
She is my idol and I am so grateful that I got to meet her and she was so nice!
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