Somehow, Meth ended up crashing with my friend after a concert. I have no idea how the afterparty ended up being at this house, but it was. Sure enough Meth and his dudes party hard.The place is trashed, people crash on random furniture.
Wake up in the morning and there is some serious damage done to the house. It's awkward, but the decision is made to ask Johnny Blaze if he would help pay for the damage.
Not blinking an eye, he tells my buddy that he's got a better idea, "I'll just sign every fucking thing you have and you can sell it on EBay." So Method Man is signing every poster in the house (most of them not Wu Tang at all), random T-shirts, basically just anything that seems sellable. He leaves, the stuff gets sold on EBay and pays for repair plus a nice new television.
Thus ends the tale of partying with Method Man at a shitty house party, getting paid for damages in autographs, and how everything ended up fine in the end.
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