cool story, bro. meth is a good guy, man. i got a meth story, too.
i remember when i was in high school, right after 36 chambers came out in 1993. him, raekwon, u-god, and ins were sitting on the wall in front of bmcc downtown in manhattan signing autographs. i was from staten island and was listening to wu-tang a bit before everyone heard about them, so i was like, fuck yeah, wu-tang! but, if you're from nyc, you know bmcc, is the hood community college, and there were mad thugged-out black kids everywhere. meth was signing autographs, looks around and sees me, a little chinese kid - like 100 pounds wet. he's like, "i'ma sign your shit first so niggas don't take your bus pass..." LOL!! he wasn't being condescending about it or anything, he was just looking out. that was big for me. just a really cool dude, and very talented at that.
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