On my 28th birthday, I went to LA to visit my sister. Her and her friends take me out to a club in Hollywood. A few drinks later my sister says to me, "Oh shit, there is Andy Dick. Be my body guard will ya?" I say "sure?" (I'm a 6'5" 240lbs guy and fit the part) She goes over and starts chatting him up. She calls me over a minute later and we all start BSing, while Andy is trying to despairingly hit on my sister, groping her etc. I step in in a joking manner and he starts hamming me up. Then out of nowhere he gets REAL close, LICKS MY NECK from bottom to top and says "You know I'm Bi, right? I was both mortified and shocked. But it WAS Andy Dick so I laugh it off and tell him he is barking up the wrong tree... He then proceeds to buy me 2 doubles of Jagermeister wishes me a Happy Birthday and disappeared into the crowd. Now whenever I see him on TV, I cant help but laugh (especially when I see re-runs of Sober House)

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