I lived in Venice beach and right across from my apartment is a great little coffee shop called Zeldas. this was like 8amish on a saturday morning. usually if I wanted to go out and go for a skate (skateboard) i'd have to get up really early to skate up and down the beach walk as to avoid the usual tourists that would flood the area on the weekends. before I did I usually went and got a coffee.
so i'm waiting in line and in comes Pink with her entourage and she looks like a total mess. obvious late night, coke still caked around her nostrils, the whole 9 yards. she cuts to the front of the line and demands a latte. I make the comment "wow, really" to which she turns and says to me "do you know who I am? like I have to wait in line with you people." she gets her coffee and leaves.
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