I also met Pink (briefly). I had gone to see Coco Avant Chanel because we had free tickets. It was late night, Circular Quay in Sydney in a small cinema.
It wasn't crowded, late so there weren't many people about afterwards. My cousin knew I was a huge fan so she urged me to go and say hi to her as she was standing outside the cinema near the water in the quay smoking with her friend.
Me: Excuse me..
Pink: NO.
Me: Sorry? (confused as to what happened)
Pink: NO.
At this point I was red in the face because she was quite loud and for fucks sake, just another fan really trying to say hi.
I told her I didn't want an autograph I just wanted to say hello because I was a big fan and she just glanced over and said "hi" as if I was the most immense problem in her world.
Before I walked off I said "just wanted to say hello, thats all" and she fucking laughed at me, like some mean girl.
Can't say I listen to her music much anymore. Completely turned me off.
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