Nicest person ever.

So, I went to a taping of Late Night in July of this year. I am a HUGE fan of Jimmy and I was very excited about this. The show was amazing, and Jimmy is so hilarious and charming (and very good looking too). After the show ends, Jimmy says his goodbyes to the camera, and runs through the audience for high fives. I had brought my Thank You Notes book for him to sign, and luckily I got an aisle seat, so I could reach him easily. He finally got to me and I shakily held out the book and the sharpie for him. He smiled and signed it, making eye contact with me and saying "Thank you!" with the sweetest smile on his face. I was about to DIE. He proceeded to high five and hug fans, and even asked to borrow my pen again so he could sign someone's t-shirt. Then with a wave to everyone, he disappeared into the stage door. I thought that was it. My family and I exited the studio, but I wanted to hang around outside 30 Rock just in case I could catch Jimmy leaving. After waiting for only about 20 minutes, I spotted Jimmy inside the lobby through the revolving doors, taking pictures with fans. I FREAKED out and quickly handed my phone to my sister so she could take a picture. Then, Jimmy came out of the doors, and he immediately came over to me. I said, "Jimmy, can I please take a picture with you?" He smiled and held his hands out, saying "Of course!" He quickly put his arm around me and pulled me close, and I wrapped my arm around him. He was so much taller than me! My sister took the picture of us with my phone. He walked over to my family with me after my mom said "Jimmy, we were at the show!" He smiled and seemed really excited to be talking to us. He said, "Did you guys like it?" And shook my mom's hand, my sister's hand, and even my grandma's hand haha. We told him we loved it. "Come back, you guys have to come back and see us again!" He said, looking at me and smiling. I couldn't even believe this was happening. So we agreed and he said goodbye, putting his hands on my shoulders as he started to walk to his car, which had been waiting for him. "Thanks guys, bye!" He called to us and waved before he left. He was definitely the nicest person I had ever met. Meeting him made me love him even more and I really hope I'm lucky enough to get the chance to meet him again. Thanks, Jimmy, for being so unbelievably nice!

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