Probably the most non-conceited celebrity I've ever met

About a year ago I went to go see Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. After the show my friend Dan and I waited to get picked up by our other friend. As we were waiting in the lobby of Rockefeller Plaza Dan goes "Dude look it's Jimmy Fallon!" I'm browsing the web on my phone at the time and am not really paying much attention to him because I think he's lying. So he walks away from me. 10 seconds later I look up, turn around, and see Dan talking to Jimmy. My jaw jobs and I slowly walk over to them. Jimmy puts his briefcases down. He stops talking to my friend, looks at me and goes "Hi I'm Jimmy!" and shakes my hand. Then starts talking to us about I don't even remember what but it was as if we knew him and he knew us. Dan asks for a picture and he says sure and I take the pic and even though I wanted a pic too I didn't wanna be 'that' guy. But then Jimmy goes "You want a picture too?" I said "Yea sure!" Pic was taken, we say how great his shows were, Jimmy grabs his stuff, and goes "Thanks guys. Come back again and keep watching the show!" and leaves. He's probably the most non-conceited celebrity I've ever met. Really nice guy.

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