No title for this.. I don't get it
It was a quiet day in the north east corner of Australian Tundra. Many do not know this but when it gets cold an ice bridge forms between the south pole and Australia and this does not happen every year. I took my camera on me to take a picture of the penguins. There in the midsts of it all was some actors filming "the March of the Penguins" some African Actor named Morgan Freedman who was looking over each shot narrating each transaction it was very sweet I can see why Scarlett went half way around the world to witness that.
To perhaps show her inner saint, beside the film crew out of the kindness of her heart and using a solar panel nearby that she fashioned from some left over cheeze whiz and aluminum foil periodically she would heat heat some coffee, I think I was decaf and OH the aroma, she can make one hell of a cup of coffee, (she said that was sexist when, I lifted my finger before she could go on and said I don't want any lip out of you foul and vile Woman... as I touched my hand to her lips.... She kissed my fingers and then my cheek... and that night we danced under the stars with the light from her glowing eyes... wow what a moment I cannot tell you just how much I miss that woman), as we met there that night I realized in awe that I was with the most gorgeous woman I have EVER SEEN and that was she I was dazed and confused by the Hollywood of it.
I could not take my eyes off of her, th next day on the set Morgan Freedman was wondering what I was doing in his scene and began shouting at me in a terribly rude way and I began to cry. At that moment Scarlett showed up with some coffee and licked my tears from my face and spoke tenderly to me breaking to read me poetry from a small book that she had been writing, I called her a hack and she laughed, what a beautiful soul...Perhaps because I had dissed her so terribly, she wrote me a poem as well and it went like this:
May Hades open and devour your whim,
may the stars echo in mute wonder,
don't forget to pray to all of the Gods in case one is listening,
love is dying,
release the hounds.
I was floored why just the day before I had written practically the same same poem.
After our fifth child that (we had decided to grow our family there in the igloos I so valorously fashioned myself and live on the seal and penguin meet, she would drew small pictures to me on her cellphone that she used to try to arrange film projects, but alas none wanted to work in the Tundral cold, and so I knew I just knew I could see it from her pain and I said you know what maybe we should start seeing other people other than each other....she packed her napsack as the ice bridge had formed. IN the settlement I asked for a cellphone because that's how I roll, and am texting from that right now, yeah yeah, Baby JESUS THUG LIFE BABY, we've been best friends ever since (but she refuses to contact me for some reason, you know lover's row. Scarlz if you are reading this, I know you know that I know that you know what I know that you know. That moment on the bridge in Australia watching Titanic on your cellphone, in the freezing tundral cold,Our first fight, our first kiss, our first caress with your beautiful blue lips and chattering lips and jaw I saw my soul in the breathcloud emitted from you on those cold days and indeed I found myself, I found true love and I found you Scarlett the woman of my dreams... wow just what an amazing woman. I think she likes scarves and looks good in bikinis and has a nice smile as well you deuchebags with your fake stories can bite the clouds, you hacks. Put your feet on the ground and stop making up lies.
And that's how history gets made. This is my intellectual material and is not for copy anywhere in any other medium except on this site. © July 22nd 2018. Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos Thug life baby.
My love... YOU rock the microphone. Look in all seriousness if you think Scarlett Johansson is a mean person you are daft and I shall warn you people when meeting people like this back up slowly and carefully maintain eye contact hold a char between you if need be to confuse these miscreants, this is the way of the new Tao. And stop wasting your time with frivolity and get that bling.
Submitted by: Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos
22 Jul
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