My friend got passes to a celebrity golf tournament and took me and our slutty friend. There was an open bar and hooters girls so we proceeded to get hammered.
We met lots of semi-celebrities but at the end of the day Alfonso Riberio (Carlton from the Fresh Prince) rolled up to the bar - he announced "I shot 14 over par so I need 14 shots!".
I was like "I like the cut of that mans jib" so we struck up conversation and taking shots.
The day is wearing on, and people are getting drunker - we got him to do the Carlton dance multiple times.
They were closing up the bar and I went outside for a smoke - Alfonso staggered up bit a box and was like "Look what I got!" - he had pilfered a bunch of booze from behind the bar. We staggered around the golf course for the next few hours drinking various boozes and my slutty friend ended up giving him a BJ in a bush.
She ended up leaving with him, and showed up the next day in a nice chauffeured sedan looking sheepish.
Good times
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