Back in the late 1990s, I raced with Alfonso Ribeiro at the Skip Barber Race School at Laguna Seca in Monterey, California.
He and his buddy Sean Patrick Flannery were there racing in the Formula Dodges with us (I raced too) Of course most the time the two of them sat in their SUV talking and not interacting with any of the other racers - which I guess is fine - when they were not on the track.
But during one session a friend and racer and Alfonso battled it out a bit too hard and my friend beat him. Which happens.
But Alfonso didn't like this and in front of all the other Skip Barber race car drivers jumped out of his car and in front of us all started screaming at the other race car drive
"You cut me off!!! Don't you know who I am??? You cut me off!" - Guess what Alfonso - it's called racing and your nothing special.
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