Some random things told to me by my step sister who used to work for Paris: Paris has a room full of vintage radios from ww2 aircraft and the like. She restores them.
When not "socialising" she spends most of her time locked up in that room doing God-knows what to these radios. There is always a smell of burning coming from the room. Nobody is allowed in.
She has a telescope on a platform. My sister was often required to climb onto the roof with beef sandwiches and a flask of tea as Paris was up there looking at the sky.
She also has 100's of notebooks full of numbers which somehow relate to what she sees through the telescope.
Behind closed doors Paris only wears pajamas which she gets delivered from the British store Marks and Spencers.
She doesn't come across as dim like she does when the cameras are around. She's very quiet.
She bought my sister a playstation and some reindeer socks for Christmas
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