Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

2nd Jul 1986 (38 years old)

Strange Encounter

Around June 2013, I was driving through Hollywood, near that big record store while my daughter was attending a concert nearby. I had rented a black Tahoe, and was stopped at the light right in front. Well, this girl runs out of the store, paparazzi photo flashes popping, and jumps in the back, yelling "go, go, go!" Told her I had no problem helping her out if she was in trouble, but that it was weird that she jumped in a stranger's car. It was Lindsey. She thought I was the limo she had summoned. So I drove, and evaded a few paps who tried to follow us. At first, she was really quiet and embarrassed at the mistake. So I told her why I was in town, and that I needed to get my daughter in a couple hours, but that I was willing to do what she needed until then. "Can you take me to the Chateau? I have a room there." So I did, and when we arrived, she rolled down the window and waved to the valets, saying "I have a parking spot". Parked, she then asked me how old I was. (49) Then "Will you walk me up to my room?" By then it was clear she was somewhat wasted, but lucid, and I figured she'd be better off safely tucked away, so I went along with it. The room was smaller than I expected, but nice. Told her to get some sleep as I headed for the door. "Stop! Do you think I invited you up here just to walk out on me!" "I'd love to, but aren't I kinda old for you?" "You have no idea...this is L.A." as she undresses and heads for the shower. "Last chance...get in here with me." "You're serious?" "I'm serious." What's a red-blooded American guy supposed to do in such a situation? So I acquiesced. Bundled in big towels afterwards, we then sat on the bed and talked. I asked her some tough questions about her behavior and reputation, and really, it was just kind of sad. Crazy family, L.A. Industry scene she was totally unprepared for, people latching on to her for their own gain etc. Inside that troubled, often bizarre, young woman is a nice girl trying to keep her head above water in a lifestyle that was never her own choice. Time flew and I had to go get my daughter. Lindsey gave me her number and email and said goodbye. We still talk a couple times a year, but have never managed to get together again.

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