Was on a movie set with him around my hometown.
My girlfriend was an extra in the movie, I drove her up there to see what the set was like and hangout with her for moral support.
Knew Michael was in the main cast, so I brought a Dexter DVD just incase a moment popped up to where I could ask for an autograph.
Ended up being around him all day, but kept to myself because I didn't want to disturb him or be "that person" who pesters celebs.
At the time I was 8 months pregnant, so I sort of attracted a lot of attention with my big belly. My girlfriend asked his assistant if I could please have an autograph from him for the baby, when he had a free moment.
He said he'd get one for me, took my DVD, and returned it with a personalized message about 30 min later with the baby's name.
Saw Michael about an hour later on set, he approached me and pointed at my belly asking if that was the baby. I smiled and said yes and thanked him for the autograph.
He said no problem, shook my hand, asked my name, and sort of reintroduced himself
I don't know if it's because people love pregnant women, but I was so impressed by how friendly he was.
So happy he's a nice guy.
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