December 23rd at my favorite local bar, and I end up staying so late that the bartender closes up and only lets regulars stay. There's like 10 of us. At this point it's about 4 am, so it's really December 24th. I am drunk, and say to the bartender "That guy looks like Dexter!" I didn't have enough volume control so everyone hears, and sort of chuckles. I realize--why would Michael C. Hall be in a bar in NYC on Christmas Eve
So I get embarrassed that I thought that, and drop it. Later, when this guy leaves, he passes again and I go "jeez, I swear he's a dead ringer for Michael C. Hall." He stops, looks at me, and goes "It's me." and walks out. Everyone laughs AGAIN so I have officially convinced myself that I'm the dumb drunk girl that really thinks this regular is a celebrity, and if I act excited it'll be worse.
So I keep seeing him, maybe four times or so since that night, and I think of him as "that regular that looks like Dexter."
Then about a month ago I'm staring at him and we make eye contact. We hold it for a while, and I'm thinking to myself...oh, shit. It is him. I'm furrowing my brow and he starts to glare like "are you fucking kidding me with this over-the-top staring." I cocked my head to one side, and he does it to sort of sarcastically mimic me, and I quickly look away. He walks over to stand next to me, says to the bartender "can I close my tab? Michael Hall." and leaves.
I still feel bad that I basically made him feel awkward at his regular bar, while everyone else can hold it together and not stare or make him feel weird.
I know if I had the chance to tell him that I really thought he was just a guy that looked like Michael C. Hall and not really him, he would never believe me. Also, half the time I was staring at him, I just thought he was hot. I kind of wanted to hook up with the Dexter Doppleganger.
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