"Well it's great to meet you too!"

My brothers had bought me V.I.P. tickets to see Weird Al in Sydney for his Mandatory Fun Tour, he was playing in Sydney and I was able to meet him after the show. I waited a long time like all the other V.I.P.s, then I finally got up to meet him. We shook hands, said Hi to each other, he asked for my name as he signed a poster for me. I then told him "It's such an honour meeitng you Al!" to which he replied in a very happy tone "Well it's great to meet you too Sam!" and he smiled at me. We got a picture together, I tried to pull a funny face since he had with the other V.I.P.s but he pulled a normal smile, so I look like the silly one! As I left he said goodbye to me and wished me a goodnight. He is incredibly nice!

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