My brothers had bought me V.I.P. tickets to see Weird Al in Sydney for his Mandatory Fun Tour, he was playing in Sydney and I was able to meet him after the show.
I waited a long time like all the other V.I.P.s, then I finally got up to meet him. We shook hands, said Hi to each other, he asked for my name as he signed a poster for me.
I then told him "It's such an honour meeitng you Al!" to which he replied in a very happy tone "Well it's great to meet you too Sam!" and he smiled at me. We got a picture together, I tried to pull a funny face since he had with the other V.I.P.s but he pulled a normal smile, so I look like the silly one!
As I left he said goodbye to me and wished me a goodnight. He is incredibly nice!
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