I used to be with a European multinational that hosted lavish annual conventions where they'd bring in various celebs as after dinner speakers (and occasionally some really good entertainers).
Anyways I was at a black tie dinner at a Palm Springs resort one year and the senior Sutherland gave a little talk between the main course and dessert.
Later, as the coffee and liqueurs were being served I noticed no one at the table he was seated at was speaking to him and he was just sitting there, staring off into space. So I wandered over and said hello and told him we had a bit of a connection--his niece ****(Keifer's first cousin) was my lab partner when I was an undergrad back in Canada.
Sutherland responded by rolling his eyes and muttering something that sounded very much like "whoopety shit". As I walked away he went back into space staring mode ... and I no longer wondered why his dinner partners were ignoring him.
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