A jerk

Golfing at a celeb/police fundraiser event, met many celebs that day, but what stood out was Jack Nicholson. I tried to approach him (I was a kid at that point) and he raised his club as if threatening to strike me with it. I think every camera on the golf course raised at that moment, so he just made another gesture and a sneer at me and got in his cart. Sometime later, my dad was selected as part of the backstage security provided by the LAPD for the Academy Awards. He spent most of this talking to random celebs as they wandered in and out of the area. I warned him about Nicholson; so when he got home we eagerly awaited his summary. "Celine Dion wouldn't look up, she followed her bodyguard's feet and ignored everyone. Robin Williams talked to me for half an hour, he was really cool. Jack Nicholson was a jerk, like you said, and Helen Hunt was a complete bitch to everyone."

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