I had a dog (Walter) who hated Jack Nicholson. I found this out when I showed the movie The Shining to my then girlfriend. The whole move Walter growled until that scene where Jack comes busting through the door. My dog lost his composure, flipped off the couch and hid under the bed growling for the remainder of the movie.
Months and many more Jack Nicholson movies later I am walking Walter down the sidewalk when he starts twitch and growl. He is well trained and never does this in public. I scan around to see what he is freaking out about and coming at us is Jack. I can't think of anything else to say so I blurt out "I am sorry Jack. My dog just hates you." He smiles at me then delivers the best creepy face he can on short notice to my dog which sends Walter in to a full blown rage. Off goes Jack down the road.
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