Backstage security University Of Tennessee Knoxville 1983
During the J.Geils Centerfold tour U2 opened for J.Geils which was the headline act. The artists wanted to play to a small venue and requested to perform at the alumni gym on campus which seated about 400 people. U2 was the opening act.
That same night Rod Stewart was playing at the Knoxville Civic Center, a different location across town.
Aside from the drum set all of their instruments were missing and we thought they had been stolen. There was also no sight of the band. The crowd was getting rowdy screaming "U2, U2, U2!"
Showtime was 8:00 and it was 8:15 with no band in sight. Then running down the center aisle Bono in a white t-shirt and worn jeans comes up to me at the steps of the stage where I was stage security and said "I'm Bono we're the band"
I said "Great, but we think someone stole your instruments."
He laughed asked me what my name was and then said "Don't worry we were playing with our friend Rod at the Civic Center."
By then the rest of the band was with him each carrying their instruments. Seconds later he grabbed a mike and the band members hastily plugged in the instruments. Bono shouted "Are you ready??" and the crowd went nuts.
At the end of their stage show Bono sought me out and personally invited me as a guest on a house boat docked at the University of Tennessee boat dock.
He said Rod Stewart was meeting up with them there after his show. He had his security people write down my name and said "I hope you can join us".
Bono and the rest of the band were friendly and polite just normal people enjoying life. Obligations with the stage show prevented me from attending his invitation. I regret it to this day. The experience 29 years later is still a highlight in my life.
Thanks Bono for a great experience !!!!
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