Took a leak next to Bono, we whistled a song together
I was in a great little bar under the Pike Street Market in Seattle called "The Alibi Room" and was chilling in the lower level.
As often happens when drinking, I had to take a leak. So I'm standing there at the urinal whistling a tune and a guy comes up and uses the urinal next to me. He joins in whistling the same song. The guy code in these situations is that you don't look at the guy next to you while taking a leak but it's cool that the guy is doing this duet-type-thing with me. And plus, I'd had a few drinks and it was a good night. So I finish first and go to wash up, and the other guy finishes and comes to use the sink to wash up after me. I glance up, look in the mirror, and see that the other guy is Bono. I smile, he smiles back, and we both are still whistling that song (for the life of me I can't remember what it was). I leave the bathroom, find my friends and say, "I think I just took a leak next to Bono."
On the way out of the bar we had to go upstairs and, sure enough, sitting there is Bono and The Edge with some other people having a drink in this great little bar. The next day I found out that U2 was playing that night at the TacomaDome.
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