I have a story about Shia. He was in my town filming a movie not too long ago and we had heard people talk about meeting him so some friends and I decide to use part of our day to "Find Shia" (which was just basically walking around town screaming, "Where's Shia?!?")
After about an hour or two, we decide to hit the local shopping area and get some grub. Lo and behold, who do we see sitting on a bench with tight jeans and slicked back hair with a bluetooth head set in? Shia. Le. Beouf.
We reconvine behind where he was standing, nervous like school girls, and decide that we don't want to bother him. Instead, we are going to walk back by him and one of our friends is going to hold is phone down by his pants all casual like and try and snag a picture of him. Nobody was going to believe that our "find Shia" day actually worked out.
We commence our walk and as my friend shifts his hand a bit to take the picture, his head darts up and he says in a gruff voice, "Don't try anything tricky, my man!" Friend says, "sorry," in a quiet voice and puts his phone away.
Needless to say, "Don't try anything tricky, my man," has become a catch phrase for us.
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