I went to elementary school with Shia LaBeouff (spelling?) for a few years. We were decent friends, my mom was a teacher there too and so when I made friends my mom had a way of getting to know all the families/parents. His mom looked like a straight-out-of-Romania gypsy and she was very nice, I always liked seeing his mom. Shia was a bit of a troublemaker but all in good fun really.
Had this one teacher together, a Mrs. Robinson (no joke). She was the scariest teacher you could imagine for a 5th grader, A big black lady with one leg, excess makeup and NO sense of humor. found out later diabetes took her leg and she ended up being one of my favorite teachers. anyway, Shia is passing notes one day and one of them gets left in his desk after class. Next day teacher reads the note out loud and it contains some very disparaging remarks about our overlord instructor. It was like an execution order being read aloud, but Shia wasn't there that day. The next day he hears about all of what happened the day before and we watched him walk right into class with his head high ready to face the music. Took Balls. Shia was a good guy, always wanted to get back in touch with him to let him know how proud my family and I are of him.
This all took place at a performing arts school in Los Angeles, Talent agents cruised our school a LOT, I did a few screen tests and the likes, one with Shia if I recall, but it was Shia that got picked up for that Disney Channel show the year after my family and I left for Nor-Cal.
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