Bruce walked into a local bar (Asbury Lanes) where my friend Julie was celebrating her birthday.
He came over, bought drinks, and hung out with Julie and her friends.
He didn't feel hassled because most of the people were artists and musicians...this was recent ...locals who respected the guy's privacy.
Also, my band was lucky enough to open a show for Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes back in the early 1980's. Bruce hung out backstage and drank a beer with us, and then went on and thrilled the crowd with a set, jamming with Southside.
This happened at The Morristown Community Theatre in Morristown, N.J. Also followed up with a phone call to our singer telling her that he enjoyed the show and asked when we would be playing again.
We had a show at the Stone Pony coming up and he showed up! Great guy if you're not giving him a hard time. Doesn't really like the "star" treatment.
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