Listen, I'm from Freehold, New Jersey. It's his hometown. Bruce wants you to believe he is from Asbury Park because it will make him look more edgy, when in reality he just used to play a lot of shows over there. I went to St. Rose of Lima Elementary school, the small town catholic school where Bruce caused lots of problems. My principal had him (she was also a nun) and for some reason once he got famous gave her a black cat. My childhood was spent with a black cat roaming the halls. BECAUSE IT BELONGED TO BRUCE. So what I'm saying is I grew up among people who worshiped the man for no good reason but that he was filthy famous and from my hometown, but here is my story.... My mom and her friend were out a local bar in Woodbridge, New Jersey in the late 70's. Bruce was there hanging with some friends, this is when he was first starting to really get noticed. Anyways.. my mom's friend knew him.. and told him my friend wanted to meet her.. my mom comes back from the bathroom and Bruce is sitting in her seat saying "Hey, so you're the filthy whore who wants to meet me." SO RANDOM AND DISGUSTING. I have plenty of stories about his son Evan as well, but that isn't really important. Bad Dude.

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