I was walking down a street the other day and looked up and Bruce Springsteen was literally right next to me!!
He was not eating, not talking on the phone or otherwise engaged in a conversation. He appeared to be just shopping with two young guys (his sons?)
Anyway, I LOVE Bruce and my heart was beating. I did not want to bring attention to him or myself so I said to him "Are you who I think you are?"
He basically barked "No" at me and kind of shoved me away... :(
I was soooo disappointed and, frankly, appalled by his behavior. Really--is this how you treat a fan!! :(
Not nice--and I am SURE it was him as a few minutes later I saw all three of them getting in to a Black Range Rover with NJ plates!!
Really bummed out because I would have loved to just say "Hi" and give him a hug!!
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