He loves Superman and Batman

I didn't realize Robin Williams was such a nerd until I saw him come into a comic book store on 18th & Geary. He almost had a full beard, was wearing an orange rain coat, and darted immediately for the superhero comics (he loves Superman and Batman). I didn't even know it was him until the store owner greeted him by saying "good afternoon Mr. Williams". Apparently he is a regular but he goes incognito like that every time he gets an urge to nerd out.

Other stories for Robin Williams

On Movie Set

I'm a honeywagon, (dressing room) driver for the studios. I worked with Mr. Williams...

One day at a red...

One day at a red light in NYC my girlfriend and I relized Robin...

Played paintball

I played paintball with Robin Williams and made it a point to run straight...

Slumber party

Every year he does this event at SF Zoo where someone can buy, in...

Latest stories

Inebriated and obnoxious

Some friends of my sister's came across Tila here in Las Vegas as she...

We held him hostage

Growing up in NYC I have had many run ins with celebrities and I...

A real fan

About 7 years ago in New York, I met Dan Aykroyd when he saw...
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