Played paintball

I played paintball with Robin Williams and made it a point to run straight to his bunker and shoot him right in the face, he was going to be my prize. He was a good sport about it and spent the rest of the day giving me a running commentary/riff track on the game as it progressed. Really nice guy considering I just shot paint into his face.

Other stories for Robin Williams

On Movie Set

I'm a honeywagon, (dressing room) driver for the studios. I worked with Mr. Williams...

One day at a red...

One day at a red light in NYC my girlfriend and I relized Robin...

Slumber party

Every year he does this event at SF Zoo where someone can buy, in...

He loves Superman and Batman

I didn't realize Robin Williams was such a nerd until I saw him come...

Latest stories

Inebriated and obnoxious

Some friends of my sister's came across Tila here in Las Vegas as she...

We held him hostage

Growing up in NYC I have had many run ins with celebrities and I...

A real fan

About 7 years ago in New York, I met Dan Aykroyd when he saw...
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Richard Gere

Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell

Ice-T (Tracy Marrow)

Ice-T (Tracy Marrow)

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