I met Dave Grohl in the Denver International Airport.
I had just left a vacation in vegas, leaving early to catch The Foo Fighters play in Denver that night since my friend had extra tickets. I had just walked out of the airport bar to get piss when I see someone that looks exactly like Dave Grohl on an intersecting path with me. As I get closer I think, holy shit, that's Dave Grohl and basically stopped walking and stared at him. He smiled at me and patted me on the shoulder.
So I called my dad to tell him, since he's also a big fan and my dad says "Go get his autograph you jackass!", so I head over to baggage claim where it's just Dave and Taylor Hawkins, no security or anything. They're grabbing their own bags and saying hi to whoever recognizes them.
So I go up to Dave and I say "Hey i'm sorry for staring at you, I know you're a real person and everything." He said it was cool, and it happens a lot. So I ask to grab his autograph for my dad, and I ask for one last thing, a picture with him. He says of course and took my picture with him.
Dave Grohl is cool as fuck.
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