So this is a really short story but I won VIP tickets to the Them Crooked Vultures mini outdoor concert for Jimmy Kimmel. I'm a HUGE Queens of the Stone Age fan so I was really excited to see Josh Homme and Dave Grohl together (Dave plays drums for them on some of their albums.)
I was literally smack in the middle of the crowd, front row, perfectly in line with Dave's set.
I was so obviously drooling over Dave the entire time. I made eye contact with him more than a few times and I'm sure I blushed every time.
So finally I must have drooled one too many times and he looks at me and gives me a big smile and does the "meow" flirty cat scratch motion to me. (I don't know how else to explain it!) I FREAKED out, and spazzed out with my boyfriend next to me (who saw the whole thing) and Dave gets another big smile and starts laughing.
I'm really glad my boyfriend was with me because I don't think anyone would have believed that happened if I didn't have a witness.)
I know what a family man he is-- plus I'm not too much of a looker-- so I know he was just being nice to someone who was so clearly a fangirl.
Doubt he remembers but honestly one of my favorite memories in my entire life!
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