I was at their show at Club BabyHead in Providence, R.I.
I kinda gravitated to the side and I saw Dave Grohl smoking a cigarette with a another dude so I kinda clammed for a second then walked over there.
They didn't have security so I started to talk to him and just about the tour, their next place etc
Then the door opened up and Kurt Cobain came to smoke Winston's and we all just talked about the show, where was good pizza and they even asked stuff about me.
It felt like the longest 10 mins but the best and they were both so nice and real. I didn't press them for anything.
Once the show started, me and my girl and 2 of my friends were very close to the band and when it was over, Dave came to us and gave me 2 original Nevermind tour shirts and Kurt and Krist signed them.
I got a few stickers too, but I haven't touched them and the shirts are still put away.
They signed some cool pictures and a day after Nevermind came out.
9/25/91. One of the best days of my life. Thanks guys!
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