I used to manage a Spencer's Gifts in an upscale mall in PA. Bam Margera and his crew came in on a very slow weekday. One of his guys asks at me to close the store so Bam can shop without being hassled (out of earshot of Bam). I politely informed the guy that we don't close the store for anyone. The guy gets loud and in my face threatening to call my bosses and get me fired...and this guy was really big and intimidating. About 20 seconds into his loud ranting I suddenly see a fist come out of nowhere and drop the guy. It was Bam. He very calmly told the guy, who was now streaming obscenities and trying to pick himself off the floor, to shut the fuck up and wait outside. He then profusely apologized and continued shopping while the rest of his crew laughed their asses off. He bought a few shock pens and a few t-shirts. My opinion of Bam changed that day dramatically from negative to positive.
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