I met Bam in West Chester, his home town. I was walking into a bar and I saw him, Raab, Dico, Rake, Ryan and Novak sitting at the bar. (Note: This was around the time Viva La Bam had just finished its final season.)
Not trying to look like a fan, I sat at the bar for a few minutes and would go over after I got a drink or two. After my drinks, I got the courage to walk over and ask for a picture.
I eventually got a picture with all of the guys, and Bam even bought me a drink. I had a conversation with him for a few minutes when him and his friends decided they had to leave. I asked for a hug from Bam and Ryan and I got one.
This was the first of 6 times I've met Bam. Every single time he's been nice and I've had an incredible time. Extremely nice and down to earth guy.
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