His bodyguard had to stop him throwing a bottle at a highschool girl
Got one about Bam Margera. Years ago, back when shows like Jackass and Viva La Bam were popular, my best friend went to some music event.
She was excited because she knew Margera was going to be there and was hoping she could grab an autograph at some point. At a restaurant afterwards packed with concert attendees, my
friend looked up and noticed Margera was getting dinner and drinking with a bunch of people on the level above them.My friend decided not to bother him while was with his friends, and settled for just being happy to see him in real life. (Plus she noticed he seemed pretty wasted.)
About five minutes later she felt liquid being poured on her head from the upper level. Apparently Margera dumped his beer on her head and was laughing and swearing at her.
Then he pulled his arm back like he was going to chuck the actual bottle at her, but thankfully his bodyguard grabbed his arm and stopped him.
My friend was in high school at the time. My friend was actually excited about it. She came home squealing "BAM POURED HIS BEER ON ME!"
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